Tuesday, February 21, 2012

it isn't BIG to make others feel small

One out of ever 4 kids will be bullied sometime throughout their adolescence.  I know that bullying is a common  issue among schools but that doesn't make it any less important.  As I prepare to be a teacher I think it is important to understand issues occurring in schools now because it is possible most issues will still be continuing when I have my own classroom.  Recent bullying statistics show that bullying is on the rise among young adults, teens and children.  Bullying isn't going to just go away on its own.  With technology advancing, so is bullying.  Cyber bullying is just as bad if not worse that bullying in school.  Students don't have a place to get away from it and it has the ability to cause serious implications if not fixed.  Bullying can have serious effects on children.  For example, students who are bullied are more likely to be depressed, lonely, and anxious.  They also tend to have low self esteem, feel unwell, think about suicide, and have more migraine headaches.  That is a lot for a student to carry all by themselves.  A teenager should not have those types of problems.  Let me ask you this, school is a place to learn correct? If students have all these problems going through their mind how does that effect their learning ability? their work ethic? 

It may seem like bullying isn't real, especially if you aren't the person being bullied.  I came from a small school where bullying barley happened and when it did, students stood up for each other.  When you get to larger schools more bullying is seen and less is being done about it. Bullying is going to happen, the only solution there is, is to stop it! If you see it, tell someone! say something! don't just let it go 

160,000 students stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied.
43% fear harassment in the bathroom at school.
282,000 are physically attacked in secondary school each month
1 out of 3 students surveyed said they hear another student threaten to kill someone
Do you want more statistics? or even statistics on cyber bullying? click here!

All it takes is one person to stand up and do what's right!

There are ways to help stop bullying, one way is to learn about it


1 comment:

  1. It is a topic I have done some research on, it is very serious matter in which some action has been taken but not enough. Bullying leads to some very tragic reactions from the victims. School shootings, sucides, and murder desitaing and I am with you in your fight against bullying.
