My 21st Century Classroom

This I believe...
This video is basically my philosophy of education.  It's what I believe and why I decided to become a teacher.  
If you're interested in the making of this video you can visit my other blog post with my reflection.  On this page you will see my 21st century 8th grade classroom. 

-a graphic representation of my classroom

My classroom set-up promotes collaboration, accessibility, and student centered learning.  Collaboration and student centered learning go hand-in-hand.  I have the desks set up in groups which is perfect for collaboration purposes.  Also my desk, the blue in the corner, is off to the side promoting student centered learning.  Instead of me, the teacher, being at the center of attention.  The classroom is accessible for handicapped students. Also my desk is accessible to the students and their desks are accessible to me.  I will be able to walk around the room from group to group.  The brown rectangle represents the door while the yellow represents a wall of windows.  The two gray rectangles are the smart board and marker board.  These will be to the side of the classroom instead of the front that way the board will never be behind a student.  The brown rectangle also represents where the computer cart will be located.  That way they are right at the door for the student to access when they walk in on days we will be using the computers. 


Each day we'll start by doing an activity within the desk groups that goes along with the previous class lesson.  This will promote collaboration and communication between my students and it will give them the chance to help each other.  I will encourage my students to work together to solve the problem instead of just telling answers and working by themselves. This will also allow me to asses my students and  see who is struggling.  I will be able to observe who is getting help and who is helping. At the end of the activity one group will present the answer to the class.  This will promote student centered learning.  Instead of the teacher always being at the board the students will get the chance to explain what they know to the entire class.


Rationale: Students will learn to simplify numeric expressions involving integers, using the order of operations

Resource/multimedia: Smart board

-Students will watch a video segment
·      -Students will then sing along
·      -Students will complete calculations by applying the order of operations

-Prior to lesson an activity will be done
-Homework will be assigned for practice
-Homework will be graded and gone over in the next class to check for comprehension


One tool that I plan on using frequently in the classroom is  a smart board.  I think they are a great tool and something different from the normal marker board.  I think my students can have fun with it as well.  I'm not planning on publishing my students work globally, this is a math class and I don't see that being necessary.  I would like to have a way to connect with other teachers though, a tool I found Dr. Math, allows teachers to connect and share  lessons. I made a blog post all about this too, check it out!  Another thing I think would be a good idea is using Skype or some kind of Distant Learning equipment to connect with other classrooms.  The possibilities of this are endless, we could connect with local schools, math classes around the country, or even the world!


As a PLN learner and teacher I plan to use twitter.  I'll use it to follow professionals and get insights from other teachers.  Not only that but I can tweet my own experiences that hopefully some other 8th grade math teacher will be reading and using for their classroom.  From using twitter I could find other math teachers that could speak to my class through Skype.  Or even teach a lesson!  Integrating this type of technology would keep my students interested in learning! I may also use a blog to do the same type of things.  I could post different pages on my blog of lessons and ideas for other teachers to use in their classroom.

Demi's E-mail


"A Teacher's Guide to Distance Learning." Florida Center for Instructional Technology. Web. 01 May       2012.
Google Docs. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.
"Second Language Writing." Home. Web. 01 May 2012. 
"The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math." The Math Forum @ Drexel University. Web. 28 
Twitter. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.

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