Thursday, April 12, 2012

Visual Essay

            I believe that a good teacher can make a difference in a student’s life.  My reason to pursue a career in education is simply because I want to be that teacher.   I believe education not only teaches kids to think critically but it will make them realize they can succeed at anything they set their mind to.  After realizing this they will set goals for themselves that they will ultimately set forth to reach.  Through mentoring in high school I was able to answer the question most of my peers couldn’t answer yet, what do I want to do with the rest of my life?
Every other day I went to one of my old middle school math teacher’s classroom to help his sixth grade math during my study hall.  Each day I walked into the room excited to help kids and left with something new learned.  I had done mentoring throughout my high school career but my senior year was the best experience I had.  Once, I walked into the room to an uproar of applauding and cheering and saw my picture that had been in the newspaper for volleyball, blown up on the overhead projector.  The reward of having kids look up to you is indescribable.  During that same class period, I helped the students wit the coordinate plane and left with a feeling of accomplishment.  As the bell rang, a student came up to me and thanked me for my help that day.  At that very moment I knew that I wanted to be a math teacher.  I believe that students should respect authority, that day I felt like the students truly respected me and appreciated my help.
            While mentoring I was able to help all different types of students, the advanced kids who probably could do better mental math than myself, the kids who struggled through, and finally the kids that were too embarrassed to ask for my help.  By the end of the year I was able to make a connection with every student in the classroom and I believe they truly trusted me and enjoyed me coming to class.  From this experience I believe all children have the ability to learn and prosper.  It is not only up to my students to learn but as a teacher I am a life long learner that will learn something new everyday with my students.

volleyball photo that was on the over head projector

coordinate plane

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